Lash Extension
1. Do not get your lashes wet for 48 hours. This means no spa, sauna, swimming, spray tan.
2. No pulling or rubbing your eyes
3. No mascara, no eyeliner or eyelash curler. You do not need them!
4.Do not use oil based makeup. ONLY use oil free makeup remover as oil will affect bonding of the adhesive.
5. Sleeping on your back and not crush your eyelash extensions on your pillow. If you find lash extensions on your pillow or vanity it means you have slept on them.
6. WASH & GROOM YOUR LASHES. You can do so by washing your lashes with a lash shampoo once or twice per week depending on your lifestyle. Gently brushing your lashes. However, please AVOID brushing them while they are wet. The hair follicles are more delicate when wet and you risk pulling lashes out if you brush them while wet.
7. Take caution when applying creamy products. Ie. Concealer, eye cream, foundation around the eye area. Oil based products around the lash line can break down adhesive and allow for premature shedding. It also makes it harder to keep your lash line clean.
8. Do not attempt to remove the lash extensions yourself. You must return to your therapist for correct and safe removal to avoid damage to your natural lashes!
9. Take extreme care around the eye area when cleansing your face. Gently cleanse the eye area and do not scrub or rug your eyes. Read below for how to properly clean your lash extensions.
How to clean your lash extensions:
a) Remove your make up using an oil free make up remover. Use a cotton top dipped in remover and wipe across your lids. Do not do this towards the lash extensions or use cotton balls as this will catch on the base of the extensions
b) Take a small amount of lash shampoo (you could purchase this lash shampoo kit incl cleansing brush and lash wand from us. Make sure to use a very small amount and use the cleansing brush (included in kit) to work around the eye, make sure to work in the direction of the eye. Apply this to both eyes and rinse off with distilled water / filtered water or saline.
c) Rinse it off and dab them with tissue gently.
d) Brush your lashes (with a lash wand) once done to separate the lashes.
e) Do this 2-3 times per week.
11) Book for your touch up / infill session 2-3 weeks after the application. This is to fill in lashes that have fallen out and remove those that are out grown and keep them looking fresh at all times.
YUMI Lash Lift
1. Do not get your lashes wet for 24 hours! Once you have let your lashes properly set for 24 hours you can pretty much do anything with them! They are extremely low maintenance.
1. Do not wet your eyes or have any heat treatments for 24 hours! This means no spa, sauna, swimming, spray tan.
2. Do not rub the area treated.
3. Do not apply brow make-up for at least 24 hours after your treatment (you will not need it).
4. Do not use oil based makeup. ONLY use oil free makeup remover.
5. Be gentle with your brows when cleansing your face. Do not use any scrub, peel etc as this will cause tint to disappear much quicker.